Cultivate Partnerships
Creating programs across our core partners is a key part of our work promoting effective intersectional approaches to grantmaking, as well as developing cross-sector partnerships with philanthropic infrastructure allies. We are committed to initiating and coordinating lectures, panel discussions, trainings, and other types of events that are jointly facilitated by our core partners.
Current partnerships and projects:
- CHANGE Philanthropy is partnering with the Council on Foundations for the HR Summit: Investing in the Talent Pipeline. This dynamic convening is curated by Council and CHANGE Philanthropy staff in collaboration with a working group of foundation leaders. The HR Summit will provide an opportunity to learn how to foundations — and philanthropy as a whole — more diverse, equitable, and inclusive by creating and/or nurturing an equitable and inclusive workplace culture. The HR Summit is open exclusively to HR leads of foundations with 20 or more employees.
- Leveraging the Sustainable Development Goals to Empower Communities of Color, September 14, 2016 is an intimate conversation/convening hosted by the Ford Foundation, HIP, ABFE, NAP, FCCP, CHANGE Philanthropy and the Council on Foundations. This intimate discussion held at the Ford Foundation office will highlight the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) framework and its practical implications for our diverse communities domestically.
- CHANGE Philanthropy, HIP and AAPIP will present “Weaving Philanthropy with Community Vales and Leadership” at Community Investment Network’s Annual Conference, Roots, Boots and Truths — We Are Grounded in Philanthropy, September 30 – October 2, 2016 in Atlanta, Georgia.
- National Teleconference for Funders Series: Response to Orlando Shooting, was co-hosted by the Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers, Funders for LGBTQ Issues, CHANGE Philanthropy/Coalition Partners and Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees.Teleconference 1: Philanthropic Response to Orlando Shooting
Teleconference 2: Impact on Communities in Central Florida and Beyond
- Native Americans in Philanthropy have partnered with the White House to host on a Generation Indigenous (Gen-I) philanthropic event, “Generation Indigenous: Raising Impact with Innovation and Proven Strategies” on August 26, 2016, at the White House. Key philanthropy partners include Casey Family Programs, W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Philanthropy Northwest, Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers, and CHANGE Philanthropy.Collaborative partnership successes:
- In 2016, CHANGE Philanthropy served on planning team for the CEO Summit at the Forum Annual Conference.
- In 2014, AAPIP and Funders for LGBTQ issues jointly developed Philanthropic OUTlook: LBGTQ Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities infographic.
- In 2014, ABFE and Funders for LGBTQ Issues jointly hosted the webinar “Black Out: Understanding LGBTQ Advocacy and Black Communities.”
- In 2012, “Looking Back, Moving Forward,” was presented and designed jointly by AAPIP and ABFE and focused on issues such as racial division, healing, and—ultimately—the human condition. On the 20th anniversary of the Los Angeles riots, actor-playwright Anna Deavere Smith gave a moving performance from her one-woman play Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992.
- In 2010, NAP and AAPIP hosted a joint site tour to Camp Amache Japanese Interment site and Cheyenne-Arapahoe Massacre site. The event focused on the short- and long-term impact of historical trauma. Over 50 philanthropic and nonprofit professionals toured over two days with internees and descendants of internees and massacre survivors. It was the first event of its kind and continues to be shared within the philanthropic community,
- The Patiño Moore Legacy Award is an awards-program partnership between HIP and ABFE that recognizes organizations whose work fosters collaboration between Latino and African-American communities to effect positive, sustainable change for all of America’s families. The award is named after Dr. Douglas Patiño and Wenda Weekes Moore, both independent leaders in the fields of higher education and philanthropy, for their ongoing legacy of working together to improve relations between black and brown communities.
If you’d like to collaborate with CHANGE Philanthropy or one of our core partners, please email us. Some of the ways we can work in partnership with you include:
- Elevating equity examples in communications via coauthored blogs
- Presenting at your conference
- Sponsoring a lunch series on a specific equity topic relevant to your community
- Serving on event planning committees
Lived Experience
impacting our work and the field