How do I sign my foundation up to participate in the 2024 Diversity Among Philanthropic Professionals (DAPP) survey?
Complete the information request form and you will be contacted to confirm your foundation participation by March 15, 2024.
Can I sign up as an individual?
Not at this time, but your institution can sign up if leadership is willing to participate.
What types of institutions can participate?
Institutions for whom 75% or more of the institution’s programmatic work is grantmaking are eligible to participate. Institutions must be headquartered in the United States. CHANGE Philanthropy will verify eligibility to participate before the survey begins.
Is there a cost to take the survey?
There is no cost to participate, however we welcome and encourage grants to support the costs of setting up and running the survey. To learn more about underwriting or sponsoring the survey, please reach out to our Executive Director, Alice Y. Hom, at ayhom@changephilanthropy.org.
What does participation entail?
Each participating foundation commits to sending a brief survey link to their staff and board. The survey is completely anonymous and confidential so no single respondent will ever be identified. Participating foundations will receive survey dissemination instructions, communications templates, and an organization-specific dashboard.
How will privacy be maintained?
The survey will be administered by SMU DataArts, a trusted third-party data collection and analysis organization with a strong reputation for data security and confidentiality. SMU DataArts will analyze the data and report ONLY the aggregate findings, nothing about individual survey respondents. All data will be held securely and anonymously.
The findings will only ever be reported on in aggregate form. Individual reports on participating institutions’ demographic breakdown and perceptions will be made available to participating institutions that meet statistical significance and the threshold for anonymity.
When will the 2024 Diversity Among Philanthropic Professionals survey be administered?
DAPP survey will launch April 15, 2024 and close May 24, 2024.
How will the data be used?
Drawing on the aggregate findings, CHANGE Philanthropy will produce a report and related infographics that highlight the culture and climate of the philanthropic sector through the lens of identity frames. The 2024 Diversity Among Philanthropic Professionals Survey Report will share analysis and trends on how individuals are able to work into the components of their identity and how responsive those institutions are to authenticity.
Through the Reception of Identity Index (RII), the reports and infographics will also spotlight how comfortable individuals are bringing components of their identity into the workplace and note how responsive those institutions are to authenticity.
Will there be information available about my institution’s results available?
As part of participation, your institution’s DAPP contact will receive an aggregate summary of the demographics of your institution, provided we receive sufficient responses to reach statistical significance and meet the threshold for anonymity.
How will the survey be shared?
CHANGE Philanthropy in partnership with SMU DataArts will provide template emails to share with your staff and board to generate the completion of the survey. A dashboard of your foundation progress will be available throughout the survey window.
How much time does the DAPP survey take to complete?
The survey should take no more than seven minutes to complete.